Russian invasion of Ukraine
It is with great concern that we all follow the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The far-reaching consequences are still difficult to foresee, but we have seen some immediate effects. Transports that directly affect Ukraine and Russia have been stopped or severely restricted. Ukrainian hauliers and drivers are dropping out of the transport network, which means a reduced capacity in Europe. Air rates are rising due to the shutdown of Russian airspace for European companies that are forced to change their routes. Asian airlines may continue to fly but will probably use the reduced capacity to push up the price level. Rail between China and Europe is affected but Asian operators are allowed to pass, so for the time being the train continous to works. Seafreight from Asia works as usual for the time being.We follow the development of sanctions and restrictions against Russia and have a constant dialogue with our partners in order to serve our customers in the best way and to mitigate the effects of the war as much as possible.