Latest news from China and Europe
Latest news: China - the situation is improving significantly, more and more Chinese suppliers have reached a 100% production level and domestic transports in China have returned to normal. The ports are open, but the question is what the availability of departures will be in the future when the level of goods to be shipped increases. Transports by air have worked during this period but a lot of air cargo is sent with passenger planes and the capacity has plunged so air rates are increasing and above all we only get daily rates as no one can say what the development looks like in the near future.
Europe - despite the fact that several countries have closed their borders, currently it does not apply to freight transports. There could be delays due to border controls but traffic should work. The only question is how the exporting and importing companies will act ie. transports will work provided that the companies continue to receive the drivers.
Since long the employees at Scanlink have had the opportunity to work from home, connecting with all our computer systems, so we will keep up work as usual. For the time being, we minimize visits to the office and refer to telephone meetings, Skype etc. to avoid contact with more people than necessary.
If you have any questions, just contact us.
We will of course notify you as we receive information about the status of your goods.